vitamins & minerals
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Browse our exceptional and unique line of Multi Vitamin and Mineral products from the leading producers of organic supplements.

Super B-Complex, 60 Tablets, Pure Synergy
$ 44.95
Super B-Complex is perfectly balanced and complete. Where would we be, without our B’s? Essential for combating daily stress, our Super B-Complex features a perfectly balanced blend of organic, whole food B vitamins and co-factors just as nature intended. Everyday mental, emotional and physical stress heightens your daily requirement for the essential B vitamins. Over time, sub-optimal levels may lead to nagging symptoms and diminishing health and vitality, leaving you feeling fatigued, stressed and irritable. What’s more, B vitamins are necessary for metabolizing our food into cellular energy, maintaining proper neurological function, creating red blood cells, and more. Complete with the ideal amounts of all 8 of the B vitamins plus their essential co-factors choline, inositol and PABA, our power-packed B-complex formula offers a host of benefits for anyone looking to manage the stress of everyday life and supercharge their health. Organically grown nutrients™ A genuine alternative to synthetics Unfortunately,...